Scrollfunktion für Listboxen aktivieren
- Quelle: Originalpost von Peter Thornton
- Scrollfunktion in ListBox (Listenfeld) und ComboBox (Kombinationsfeld) einfügen
- Modul mit Scrollfunktion einfügen
- Scrollfunktion in ListBox (Listenfeld) aktivieren
- ComboBox (Kombinationsfeld) einfügen
- Scrollfunktion in ComboBox (Kombinationsfeld) aktivieren
- Scrollfunktion erweitern: Elemente auswählen
- MouseMove Event/Ereignis: Maus über ListBox/ComboBox
- QueryClose Event/Ereignis: Wenn UserForm geschlossen wird
- Toolsammlung/Werkzeugsammlung aktivieren
- ComboBox in UserForm einfügen
- Daten in ComboBox einfügen
Code (Modul)
#If Win64 Then Private Type POINTAPI XY As LongLong End Type #Else Private Type POINTAPI X As Long Y As Long End Type #End If Private Type MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT Pt As POINTAPI hWnd As Long wHitTestCode As Long dwExtraInfo As Long End Type #If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" ( _ ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As LongPtr #If Win64 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLongPtr Lib "user32" _ Alias "GetWindowLongPtrA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As LongPtr #Else Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As LongPtr #End If Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" _ Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" ( _ ByVal idHook As Long, _ ByVal lpfn As LongPtr, _ ByVal hmod As LongPtr, _ ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hHook As LongPtr, _ ByVal nCode As Long, _ ByVal wParam As LongPtr, _ lParam As Any) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hHook As LongPtr) As LongPtr #If Win64 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal Point As LongLong) As LongPtr #Else Private Declare PtrSafe Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal xPoint As Long, _ ByVal yPoint As Long) As LongPtr #End If Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" ( _ ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As LongPtr #Else Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" ( _ ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32.dll" _ Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" _ Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" ( _ ByVal idHook As Long, _ ByVal lpfn As Long, _ ByVal hmod As Long, _ ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hHook As Long, _ ByVal nCode As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, _ lParam As Any) As Long Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hHook As Long) As Long Private Declare Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal xPoint As Long, _ ByVal yPoint As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32.dll" ( _ ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long #End If Private Const WH_MOUSE_LL As Long = 14 Private Const WM_MOUSEWHEEL As Long = &H20A Private Const HC_ACTION As Long = 0 Private Const GWL_HINSTANCE As Long = (-6) Dim n As Long Private mCtl As Object Private mbHook As Boolean Const scrollOnly As Boolean = True ' False: Move Selection #If VBA7 Then Private mLngMouseHook As LongPtr Private mListBoxHwnd As LongPtr #Else Private mLngMouseHook As Long Private mListBoxHwnd As Long #End If Sub HookListBoxScroll(frm As Object, ctl As Object) ' Code by Peter Thornton ( Dim tPT As POINTAPI #If VBA7 Then Dim lngAppInst As LongPtr Dim hwndUnderCursor As LongPtr #Else Dim lngAppInst As Long Dim hwndUnderCursor As Long #End If GetCursorPos tPT #If Win64 Then hwndUnderCursor = WindowFromPoint(tPT.XY) #Else hwndUnderCursor = WindowFromPoint(tPT.X, tPT.Y) #End If If TypeOf ctl Is UserForm Then If Not frm Is ctl Then ctl.SetFocus End If Else If Not frm.ActiveControl Is ctl Then ctl.SetFocus End If End If If mListBoxHwnd <> hwndUnderCursor Then UnhookListBoxScroll Set mCtl = ctl mListBoxHwnd = hwndUnderCursor #If Win64 Then lngAppInst = GetWindowLongPtr(mListBoxHwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE) #Else lngAppInst = GetWindowLong(mListBoxHwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE) #End If If Not mbHook Then mLngMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx( _ WH_MOUSE_LL, AddressOf MouseProc, lngAppInst, 0) mbHook = mLngMouseHook <> 0 End If End If End Sub Sub UnhookListBoxScroll() If mbHook Then Set mCtl = Nothing UnhookWindowsHookEx mLngMouseHook mLngMouseHook = 0 mListBoxHwnd = 0 mbHook = False End If End Sub #If VBA7 Then Private Function MouseProc( _ ByVal nCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _ ByRef lParam As MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT) As LongPtr Dim idx As Long On Error GoTo errH If (nCode = HC_ACTION) Then #If Win64 Then If WindowFromPoint(lParam.Pt.XY) = mListBoxHwnd Then If wParam = WM_MOUSEWHEEL Then MouseProc = True If TypeOf mCtl Is Frame Then If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -10 Else idx = 10 idx = idx + mCtl.ScrollTop If idx >= 0 And idx < ((mCtl.ScrollHeight - mCtl.Height) + 17.25) Then mCtl.ScrollTop = idx End If ElseIf TypeOf mCtl Is UserForm Then If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -10 Else idx = 10 idx = idx + mCtl.ScrollTop If idx >= 0 And idx < ((mCtl.ScrollHeight - mCtl.Height) + 17.25) Then mCtl.ScrollTop = idx End If Else If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -1 Else idx = 1 If scrollOnly Then idx = idx + mCtl.TopIndex If idx >= 0 Then mCtl.TopIndex = idx Else idx = idx + mCtl.ListIndex If idx >= 0 Then mCtl.ListIndex = idx End If End If Exit Function End If Else UnhookListBoxScroll End If #Else If WindowFromPoint(lParam.Pt.X, lParam.Pt.Y) = mListBoxHwnd Then If wParam = WM_MOUSEWHEEL Then MouseProc = True If TypeOf mCtl Is Frame Then If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -10 Else idx = 10 idx = idx + mCtl.ScrollTop If idx >= 0 And idx < ((mCtl.ScrollHeight - mCtl.Height) + 17.25) Then mCtl.ScrollTop = idx End If ElseIf TypeOf mCtl Is UserForm Then If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -10 Else idx = 10 idx = idx + mCtl.ScrollTop If idx >= 0 And idx < ((mCtl.ScrollHeight - mCtl.Height) + 17.25) Then mCtl.ScrollTop = idx End If Else If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -1 Else idx = 1 If scrollOnly Then idx = idx + mCtl.TopIndex If idx >= 0 Then mCtl.TopIndex = idx Else idx = idx + mCtl.ListIndex If idx >= 0 Then mCtl.ListIndex = idx End If End If Exit Function End If Else UnhookListBoxScroll End If #End If End If MouseProc = CallNextHookEx( _ mLngMouseHook, nCode, wParam, ByVal lParam) Exit Function errH: UnhookListBoxScroll End Function #Else Private Function MouseProc( _ ByVal nCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _ ByRef lParam As MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT) As Long Dim idx As Long On Error GoTo errH If (nCode = HC_ACTION) Then If WindowFromPoint(lParam.Pt.X, lParam.Pt.Y) = mListBoxHwnd Then If wParam = WM_MOUSEWHEEL Then MouseProc = True If TypeOf mCtl Is Frame Then If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -10 Else idx = 10 idx = idx + mCtl.ScrollTop If idx >= 0 And idx < ((mCtl.ScrollHeight - mCtl.Height) + 17.25) Then mCtl.ScrollTop = idx End If ElseIf TypeOf mCtl Is UserForm Then If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -10 Else idx = 10 idx = idx + mCtl.ScrollTop If idx >= 0 And idx < ((mCtl.ScrollHeight - mCtl.Height) + 17.25) Then mCtl.ScrollTop = idx End If Else If lParam.hWnd > 0 Then idx = -1 Else idx = 1 If scrollOnly Then idx = idx + mCtl.TopIndex If idx >= 0 Then mCtl.TopIndex = idx Else idx = idx + mCtl.ListIndex If idx >= 0 Then mCtl.ListIndex = idx End If End If Exit Function End If Else UnhookListBoxScroll End If End If MouseProc = CallNextHookEx( _ mLngMouseHook, nCode, wParam, ByVal lParam) Exit Function errH: UnhookListBoxScroll End Function #End If
Code (UserForm)
Private Sub ListBox1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) Call HookListBoxScroll(Me, Me.ListBox1) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Call UnhookListBoxScroll End Sub